Thursday, 24 October 2013

Tips for a good nights sleep

Causes of insomnia are numerous, but commonly, stress, tension, anxiety or stimulants such as caffeine can result in a lack of sleep. 

To help induce a restful nights sleep, do something relaxing leading up to going to bed such as reading, taking a warm bath or listening to soothing music. 

Ensure your bedroom is dark and quiet with plenty of fresh air; so keep your window open a little even in winter. A stuffy, warm room will prevent you from getting quality sleep. Add 10 drops of essential oils to a warm bath. Bergamot, rose or lavender are ideal as they contain soothing, calming properties and so are perfect for preparing you for sleep. Don’t drink coffee or tea in the evening as these stimulants can interfere with your sleep patterns (and, incidently, cause headaches, rapid heartbeat and excessive urination). Instead try fruit or herbal teas such as passion fruit or chamomile. 

If your insomnia is persistent, it may be worth trying a natural remedy such as Valerian. This sweet scented flower has been shown to have mildly sedative properties and may be useful if your insomnia is related to being anxious or stressed. Supplements are widely available and should be about 1 hour before bedtime, or as advised. They takes about 2 weeks to work and shouldn’t be used for more than 3 months at a time. 

Note: Always consult your doctor if your insomnia or anxiety persists.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Tip of the day - Eucalyptus

Always have a bottle of eucalyptus in your first aid kit. It's antiviral action works on the respiratory tract to soothe inflammation and ease mucus. It is excellent in times of influenza, throat infections, coughs and catarrh and is effective in lowering temperatures, and cools and deodorises the body.

If it's a cold or hayfever you have, try inhaling eucalyptus oil before reaching for the paracetamol. It is very effective at clearing a stuffy head and may even reduce the painful effects of migrane. 

Eucalyptus has a cleansing effect on the skin, and will aid in the healing of cuts, wounds and inflammatory conditions. As a powerful oil, it should not be applied neat, but instead applied diluted to the skin to cleanse or tone.

Review your skin care for Autumn

Autumn has always been my favourite season. The colours, the smells, brambles, the change in
light and the sense of dark cosy nights just around the corner. (Although that may be just me reminiscing my Yorkshire childhood)! Of course, in those (long ago) days my skin was fresh, rosy and peachy smooth with not a care to protect or moisturise it. These days, of course I give my skin a great deal more care.

Autumn is a season of change which fosters both beginnings and endings. It’s the end of the summer and strawberries, but start of the gardening year. The weather is changing with crisp, fresh mornings and cool evenings, and it’s these conditions that make hair and skin drier, particularly as we also turn up the central heating and huddle up at home.

We should therefore look at our skincare regime. Look for oil-rich products which strengthen and
brighten the complexion. Look for avocado, apricot kernel, macadamia nut and almond oils as ingredients as they are rich, nutritious and protecting. Feed the skin with fresh fruit masks.

Ensure your diet is healthy and seasonal, as the tendency is to resort to comfort food on cold dark nights. Luckily autumn produce can be warming and versatile and apples, grains, greens, nuts and potatoes are at their seasonal best and all are good for the skin. Continue to drink plenty of water as it keeps the skin and body hydrated. 

Friday, 18 October 2013

The preservative dilemma - a balanced view

Cherylin Skin Therapy does not advocate the use of synthetic preservatives.  However, commercially mass produced skin care generally contains a group of synthetic preservatives called parabens.  They are chemically produced from petroleum and natural gas and are usually used together to inhibit the growth of a broad spectrum of bacteria, yeasts, fungi and moulds. Parabens are also used in food, medicines and eye products and are usually preceded by the prefixes Ethyl, Propyl, Butyl and Methyl.  Preservatives are essential in products which contain water otherwise potential bacteria is quick to form.

Parabens are thought to be safe. 

Research shows that there is no link with cancer 'despite' parabens being detected in breast tumours (Ref: Study, 2004 in the Journal of Applied Toxicology). However, parabens contain estrogen-like properties and estrogen plays a role in certain forms of breast cancer. Despite their perceived safety (ahem), they do cause allergic reactions and contact dermatitis, are harmful if swallowed and cause irritation to eyes and the respiratory tract.  

We should remember that the decaying process is natural and happens regardless of preservatives.  Skin care products will eventually go rancid, and any natural active ingredients will loose their potency more quickly anyway.  Chemical preservatives are used because commercial skin care is mostly water and are cheaper than natural alternatives so products can be produced on a large scale for corporate profit.  

Be aware of greenwashing. Do not buy so called ‘natural’ skin care which include such ingredients as ‘vegetable derived’ Glyceryl Stearate SE (which is produced by chemical reactions between fatty acids and glycerol - synthetic glycerine) or Sorbic acid (these days chemically synthesized and a toxic preservative).

Most of my skin care does not contain water and are natural and free from any synthetic ingredients. Essential oils, beeswax and grapefruit seed extract are used as practical preservative alternatives. I like to keep my skin care alive, active and full of the plant's energy.  I also only prepare the product upon receipt of order and this ensures optimum potency.  They are prepared using sterilized equipment, containers and fresh ingredients. They have a realistic shelf life (between 5-10 months) and are safely absorbed by the skin. 

Related article: What's in your skincare?

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Peppermint: properties and uses

Like many herbs, peppermint was known to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. It was used as an ingredient in wine, a detoxifier, and perfume. A native of Europe, the best type of peppermint
comes from England as it favours the damp conditions.

Peppermint is a hybrid of Watermint and Spearmint and is a powerful oil with many properties. In fact I believe this is an essential oil, along with Lavender, that every household should have in its first aid kit. It is antiseptic, astringent, a carminative, cephalic and a decongestant. Whilst not best used in massage treatment (unless in very small quantities and in local areas) it is ideal treatment to help the respiratory system and circulation through inhalation or in infusers.

A very uplifting herb, peppermint is a natural balancer, a so-called adaptogen. It can act as a stimulant and relaxant, and is cooling yet warming. This makes it a very good remedy for colds and flu as it helps calm mucus and fevers and encourages perspiration.

Peppermint is best known for its extremely useful action on the digestive system, particularly acute conditions. Due to its relaxing and slight analgesic properties, it is a useful treatment against many digestive related ailments such as food poisoning, vomiting, nausea, constipation, travel sickness and colic amongst others. It is also said to be helpful for kidney and liver disorders.

Peppermint is also a valuable remedy for producing a tonic effect on the heart and can help in the treatment of shock, vertigo, dizziness, anemia and fainting. It is an effective pain reliever and can be used to treat headaches, migraines and toothache. It is one of the best remedies for treating aching limbs and feet and offers some relief from rheumatism and neuralgia.

Although it should never be used directly on the skin, in dilution it can help with cases of dermatitis, ringworm and scabies. Its cooling effect can help itching, inflammation and sunburn. Greasy skin benefits greatly as it removes blackheads, balances sebum and softens a rough texture.

Precautions: Peppermint is a powerful oil so care should always be taken with dosage. It may cause

irritation to the skin and mucous membranes and should be kept well away from the eyes. It is best avoided during pregnancy and may antidote homoeopathic remedies.